The power of mindset
A collection of dialogue from Dr. Peter A. James
Your mindset shapes your reality. As an example, if you constantly focus on the negative, you'll likely find yourself in a world of disappointment and despair. On the other hand, if you cultivate a more positive outlook, you'll likely find yourself more open to opportunities and experiences that bring joy and fulfillment.
This is why it's so important to learn how to shift your mindset. In this blog, we will provide you with strategies, reflections and insights for transforming negative thought patterns and embracing a more optimistic outlook on your life, career and business. Whether you're struggling with being in a rut, frustration, or just feel like you’re going through the motions, these articles can help to see the world in a new light.
My Own Coach
My words for 2023 are "bold and courageous." Part of the challenge of adopting these two words is being held accountable for the actions and behaviors around my goals. As a coach myself, this adoption process has led me to procure both a business coach and a fitness coach.
Realized Potential
There is always another level. There is always another way. There is always more that we could have done. There is always more opportunity. There is always an alternative path. No matter what you have achieved or what you are thinking of doing, there is always someone out there who has done it better. Therefore, there is always something more to learn and understand in order to better what they have achieved.
Tell me what to do
Since kindergarten, people other than our parents have been telling us what to do. Initially, it was our kindergarten teacher, then our basketball coach, then the bosses at our job, and of course, the government. Now you're an executive in an organization and when faced with something outside of your comfort zone, you state that is not something that you do, or that's not in your job description, or just turn the other way.